Folder Guard offers you the Show the notification icon option to display its notification icon in the taskbar notification area (next to the system clock).

You may find this icon useful as a visual indicator of the status of the folder protection. If the folder protection is in effect, the color of the icon is red:

If the folder protection is in effect, but one or more of the password-protected folders are currently unlocked, the color of the icon is blue:

If the folder protection is paused, the color of the icon is green:

In addition to being a visual indicator, the notification icon also offers quick access to several tools of Folder Guard. To access such tools, right-click on the notification icon, and choose the appropriate tool from the menu:

This menu offers the following commands:

Lock (folder)

Choose this command to lock one of the folders that you had previously unlocked.

Lock all I've unlocked

If you have unlocked more than one folder, use this command to quickly lock all of them simulteneously. Notice that this command has no effect on the folders unlocked by other users, such as the shared folders that might be unlocked from other computers on the network. (To lock such folders, use the next command described below.)

Lock all unlocked shared folders

If you have protected a shared folder with a password and other users have this folder unlocked over the network, you can use this command to quickly lock all such folders and stop other users from accessing the protected shared folders. Notice that this does not prevent the network users from continuing to use the already opened documents: only if the user closes the document and attempts to open it again, the access to the document would be restricted. Also keep in mind that this command has no effect on the protection status of the folders on this computer that you had unlocked locally. (To lock such folders, use the previous command described above.)

Run Folder Guard

This command has the same effect as choosing the desktop (or the Start menu) shortcut to run Folder Guard.

Pause/Resume protection

These commands give you a quick method for pausing and resuming the protection performed by Folder Guard.

About Folder Guard

This command lets you quickly see the version number of Folder Guard that you have installed. Notice that it does not give access to other related tools, such as entering your license key: to use such tools, you must open the main configuration program of Folder Guard and use the About command from its Help menu.

Show icon

Clear this option is you want to hide the notification icon and make it invisible. If later on you decide to make the icon visible again, enable the Show the notification icon option using the main configuration program of Folder Guard.

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